Project Prairie Wild

Project Prairie Wild
"Repairing the Prairie through Education and Conservation"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


3RF Sciences is a private non-profit educational foundation dedicated to engaging students in math and science through hands-on learning. 3RF provides teachers, students and the general public educational opportunities through our outreach programs, public star parties, school partnerships, and outdoor education center. Through the generosity of the the Gene Conley Foundation 3RF Sciences offers most of our programs at no cost or at a reduced cost.
StarSTruck - we travel to Texas schools bringing hands on curriculum that is TEKS mapped, and designed for students to experience the sciences through actually performing scientific activities. Our curriculum includes Astronomy, Earth Sciences, Biology and Environmental Sciences. We have a large volunteer base that allows us access to experts in just about every field of science, math and technology. Through our StarSTruck program teachers have the opportunity to bring their classroom and curriculum to life, to engage their students.
Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus is our 700 acre outdoor education center. CSAC is home to endless educational opportunities from Astronomy to conservation all the while allowing students to fall in love with their natural surroundings. Each month CSAC hosts two public star parties, that allow students and the general public the opportunity to work with astronomers and impressive telescopes for a personal viewing and exploration of the night sky. CSAC is also home of Project Prairie Wild, a project dedicated to the preservation of native short grass prairie lands and the ecosystems supported by these prairies. Project Prairie Wild provides educational opportunities in ecology, environmental sciences, water conservation and education, biology, earth science and geology. Students can participate in conservation projects, leadership programs and make a difference in their communities.

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